Thursday, June 22, 2006

me photu-grapher !!

there is a proverb in hindi .. it goes like " bander ke haat main sheesha " dont kno english version .. :D

this is like i got cam-cell. these pics r my work ... he he !!

in this post m not goin to bore u guyzz wid my stupid ideas n so called PJs , coz these pictures speak them selves ..

so go ahead !!....

I dont think this bulidind need introduction....

the place in campus were people enjoy sitting outside then inside ....

sports village ..... frm terrace of OBH

sunrise from ....

sunset at .........

I juss like this pic dont kno why !!

Now here is some brain work for you ...

guess wht is this thing ??

which place is this ??

guess in which wing n which floor the photogarapher is standing ?
xtra rewards to guess the room


Anonymous said...

u r the wing which has room numbers from 327 to 338 ..and most prbby u r standing b4 sankalp's room :)

@nks said...

well u r rite !!!

Piyush said...

Nice pics yaar....actually beautiful..

Anonymous said...

so when do i get my rewards :P

@nks said...

for reward u hav to answer all the questions :p